(SOLVED) HP ePrint Not Working Issue

Mark Daniel
4 min readSep 2, 2021

Is your HP ePrint not working? Well, that’s a matter of worry because HP ePrint is very important software for people who work in a corporate office and need the printing to be done anytime. It is a smart technology utilized for PC devices and smartphones. HP ePrint allows you to print documents or photographs just by a single tap from any place. It also enables you to send emails to your HP printer and get the printouts. So, it is obvious that if your HP ePrint is not working then your work might suffer due to this. In this article, we will tell you how to resolve Hp ePrint not working issue.

Methods To Fix HP ePrint Not Working Issue –

When your HP eprint is not working then you need to perform certain troubleshooting tips to resolve the error. You can undertake basic troubleshooting such as, checking the status of the HP printer, verifying the needs of the print jobs, ePrint email, and other things before carrying out the main troubleshooting guide. Follow the below-mentioned methods to resolve the problem;

Method 1: Check Status OF Your HP Printer

If you are facing the issue of HP ePrint not working then, start by checking the status of your HP printer. This implies that the printer is not receiving internet connection properly. You must ensure that your printer is switched on and is receiving a stable and active internet connection. Follow the steps mentioned below to check the status of the printer;

  • Firstly, switch off the HP printer.
  • Now, test the printer by printing a test page by connecting it to a local network.
  • Then, make sure you have allowed the web services on your printer. To check whether the web services are enable on your printer follow the steps below;
  • HP printer with touchscreen: First click on the HP eprint icon and then press the settings menu. Now, click on the web services option under the wireless settings or network setup menu.
  • HP printer without touchscreen: First of all, print a test page on the printer to have the IP address and then enter it in the web browser to launch the ‘embedded web server’. Now, click on the ‘web services’ to allow this feature.

Once you make these settings and allow the web services on your HP printer, you must try sending the document to print. In case the HP ePrint not working is not resolved then follow the next method to resolve it.

Method 2: Fix The Network Connection By Troubleshooting

By following these troubleshooting tips you can verify the local network of your HP printer. So that if you notice any errors in the signal you can repair it. Consider the following fixes to make your HP ePrint work.

  • Firstly, ensure that your printer’s signal is turned on.
  • Your Hp printer must be connected to the same wifi network as your PC device or smartphone.
  • Make sure the wireless icon on the control panel of the printer is switched on and stable. It must not be flashing or blinking.
  • If the control panel has the wireless setup wizard then it must be utilized to connect the printer to the wifi network.
  • The network gets weaker when traveling to far off devices. So, make sure the HP printer and computer or laptop remains in the close vicinity for a better connection. Though they must have a distance of 1.8m in between them.
  • Now, reboot the printer to check.
  • Not all HP printers support the 5 GHz frequency bands. So make sure that your router is enabled at 2.4 GHz bands.
  • Keep a check on the firewall software that will prevent your Hp printer from having access to the computer or laptop.
  • Use the valid IP address as the HP printers have a tendency to bypass the IP address assigned by the DHCP.

HP ePrint Is Working Just Fine!

Now, you will not complain about your Hp ePrint not working after performing these troubleshooting tips. You need to do a self evaluation of the printer before contacting a technical support executive for help. In case after attempting all the steps your HP ePrint is not working then get in touch with the tech whiz and seek the best advice.

